Thursday, March 31, 2011

Maybe I laugh too much? Is that possible? Maybe things are really that funny...

I have laughed until tears were rolling down my face 7 times in the last 24 hours. My eyes are actually feeling kind of swollen, like if I had been crying, but in reality it was from laughing. That's pretty funny in itself, and obviously the people I surround myself with are too good to be true.

I am trying to compile the pictures I have of my friends and I laughing. Be looking out for that post in the near future...the amount of goofiness may send some chuckles your way too.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hold on a minute, yeah, I do love you

Three of my best friends and I are going to see the Avett Brothers tomorrow night in Savannah, GA and I honestly can NOT describe how excited I am..
This will be my third time seeing them, second time in Savannah, and second time in the Johnny Mercer Theater, but instead of the 17th row I'LL BE IN THE FRONT ROW! I saw them front row in Augusta, GA in September of 2009, but it's a completely different experience every time. They are SPECTACULAR live! If you have never heard them, go listen now (ask me if you want to know what songs you should go to first) and if you have heard them, but have never really gotten into them, you should try listening again. and if you really are just as obsessed as I am, then we have something in common!
I seriously just have to thank my friend Kate for giving me this ticket for free! She scored an internship with my aunt over the Christmas break at the Savannah Music Festival, who is hosting the Avetts, and as a thank you for all her hard work my aunt gave her two free front row tickets to the show! The only problem is, Georgia College has stepped in again and given her a work load that no student should ever have to endure the first week back from spring break, so she can't make it with me. She will definitely be getting a phone call during the show though. 
Okay I think this a long enough post to convey how much I love them. Since I'll be on an Avett's high for the next month there will probably be another post about them in the near tomorrow.

Augusta 2009

and I apologize for this multitude of music posts, but ya know I love music and want every one else to love it I don't really apologize...only if you are annoyed...but you shouldn't's beautiful stuff. and who gets annoyed with beautiful things that can only make life better? okay done. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lovely music just fills me up

Oh my word, this band. I was so excited when I discovered them on Pandora. Their happy, feel good music just brightens my day. And they play a glockenspiel, so honestly, what more could you ask for? Lend your ears a listen, trust me, you won't regret it. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

According to Julia Roberts

"Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat"

courtesy of Notting Hill

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just what I needed

In all honesty, I am so glad I am a 20 year old college student who would much rather spend her spring break with her family than on a crazy spring break beach trip with a ton of people. Don't get me wrong, the beach with friends does sound terrific, but I could not have asked for a better spring break than the one I just had. Wednesday through Friday I spent in Amelia Island, Florida with my grandparents. Everyday was spent catching up with them, eating yummy food, laying on the beach reading by myself, or watching movies. It was absolutely what I wanted more than anything. I really am a lucky grand daughter. 

and I got to snuggle with this cute little fluff ball a lot!

and some one, I wish I knew who, built this sculpture on the beach and it provided me with seriously beautiful shell wind chime melodies while I laid in the sun.

On Friday I spent the afternoon with my Aunt Mary in Darien, GA. We kayaked for a bit, ate a yummy butternut squash casserole, played with her goats, and visited for a while before I had to head back to Savannah for the weekend.

Aren't they funny?! I want one so bad!

and seriously, what would you do for a view like this in your backyard? Marry a really handy man, that's what you should do.

My time in Savannah was spent with the parentals and little bros, and I fit in a little beach time today too! Oh and here are some happy things from the remainder of my break:

the perfect combination of sunshine and breeze
being a tourist
free parking from a stranger
free bagels
free bike maintenance
free movie
just free things in general
making it an entire day with out caffeine...or spending money
tea tree oil shampoo
butternut squash
the stillness of water when paddling
the spookiness of a sunken boat
laughter coming from deep within the stomach
stain glass
dinner with just the parents and me
extremely long blog posts because I just have so much to say and am so happy to share it!

yes there are rules...

Rule #1: Don't sweat the small stuff

Rule #2: It's all small stuff

oh and love people.
that's it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Taste the sweet life

My wonderful friend Leslie, from huckleberry friend, and her sister, Lisa, stopped through Savannah on their way to Jacksonville for the week...and what better place to take Savannah novices than the most adorable local bakery in all the land; which just so happens to be one of my favorite places in Savannah, Back in the Day Bakery. They have the BEST cupcakes, breads, cookies, muffins, lattes, and coffee around. It is one of the first places I go when I get back to Savannah. The decor is beautiful and full of pastel colors, which I LOVE, and the staff is so friendly! I ordered a roasted vegetable savory tart, which was perfect for breakfast, and a house coffee. Leslie and Lisa got ham and cheese croissants with vanilla lattes, and Hannah opted for a blueberry muffin and house coffee. They were all so good! Look at how cute this place is!

A lot of the art hung in the bakery is by Cedric Smith, who is definitely worth checking out

Leslie, Hannah, and I together in Savannah!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Freshly shaven

Tonight was the night that my fifteen year old brother finally trusted me enough to shave his head. Not bad, if I do say so myself.


Doesn't he look older?! I love it!

So happy to be done! I guess his older sister with a razor to his head wasn't the most comfortable of situations.
I wouldn't let him touch me cause he was COVERED in ignore the awkwardness of this photo. hah

Monday, March 21, 2011

Here's some little happy things for your Monday morning

70 degree weather 
hiking and exploring new places
good hugs from new friends
my Boone "family"
no schedule, just going with the flow
being comfortable in new places
my wonderful sense of direction
the mountains
the softness of petrified wood
cold rocks 
baby sized ice cream

Little Boone

Spring break has begun and I have spent the first weekend in my soon to be stomping ground, Boone, NC. I always come on the most beautiful weekends, and the weather has proved to love me this time as well. My friend Jeremy and I came up here to visit some of our really good friends from Savannah. The first night we grilled out with the boys and had "family" dinner. Saturday morning I ate a deliciously cheap breakfast with my roommate for next year, Chloe, and two of her friends. She also showed me where we are living next year and it is in such a good location and a really quiet street! The rest of Saturday was spent hiking and exploring Hebron Falls with Ali and ended with a yummy dinner at my friend Sara Jane's and a get together at the guys house. Today was pretty uneventful, mostly movie watching and couch sitting. Ali and I also went to eat at my favorite restaurant of all time, Hob Nob Farm Cafe. It is honestly the cutest, most delicious restaurant I have ever been to, we eat there every time I'm in town and I am hoping to get a job there next year! Here are a few pictures from the trip so far!

Hebron Falls was super beautiful and although there were a lot of people, there was also a lot of room for exploring!

Ali and I set up her hammock over the rocks and read for a few hours. It was so nice and I can't wait to be able to do that whenever I want next year! 

If you know me, you know how I love some cute salt and pepper shakers. That is why Hob Nob was meant for me. Every table has a different pair of salt and pepper shakers! These little apples were on our table tonight.

This is my favorite spot of the whole restaurant. The little stitched sayings in the frames and the shelves of salt and pepper shakers are too perfect. 

Yes, it was too pretty to not take a picture of.

My favorite ice cream in a baby size container. Best. Dessert. Ever.

Boone has my heart.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My heart aches for Savannah

Not only am I a Savannah, GA native, I am a die hard St. Patrick's Day lover. Seriously. I cried this morning, not only because of stress and walking into a huge midterm exam, but because it was the second year I have ever missed St. Patrick's Day in Savannah (the first being last year, my freshmen year of college.) It just so happens that Georgia College and State University hates me participating in all things fun, so they have midterms the week of St. Patty's day. I may have been stressed, grumpy, tired, a cry baby, and just all things unpleasant, but I was not letting anyone keep me from celebrating St. Patty's as I walked to class this morning with my study guide in hand, I sang "It's St. Patrick's Day in Savannah" for all to hear. It wasn't easy on the ears, mind you, but it lifted my spirits, and hopefully a little luck came my way just in time to take that precalculus exam. So here's to everyone having a beautiful start to spring break, and a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, even if you can't be in Savannah, New York, Chicago, Boston, or Ireland.

(and I couldn't find any old St. Patrick's Day pictures, but here is a beautiful summery Savannah picture)

and another...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Two more days

I honestly can't wait until Friday when I am in the company of this beautiful goddess best friend of mine. 
and I can't wait to laugh until I feel like my stomach is going to fall out. and I can't wait to be in Boone, NC for my first weekend of Spring break. and I CAN'T WAIT to go to school there and be able to hug this lovely girl whenever I want!

Ali Fruit, you're great and I am so excited to see you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

My pretty ladybug friend

I spotted this little guy..or maybe its a gal?..on my blinds this afternoon. It sure is a sweet little reminder that it's almost spring!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine!

Yesterday was spent in the sun, literally, starting at 6:45 in the morning when Hannah, Leslie, Erin, Kelli, and I watched the sun rise over the Baldwin County Airport. It was breathtaking. These girls just know how to make me smile so big it hurts. We woke up at 6, all piled in the car with blankets, cameras, journals, coats, and coffee, and headed out to an open field outside of Milledgeville. We came across the PERFECT spot, right in front of the airport runway.

(photo courtesy of Leslie, huckleberry friend)

And seriously, blueberry bagels and fried eggs have never tasted so good. Who knew I would enjoy being up at 6 am on a Saturday morning so much?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Maybe I just love a lot of things...

especially building forts and watching Fern Gully under them with my sweet friends

especially taking afternoon strolls at Lockerly Aboretum 

especially dog sitting little Dylan

especially blooming flowers in the spring

especially Key Lime Pie

Thursday, March 10, 2011

if you ever need a reminder of how incredible the human race really is...

then watch this trailer.
every single shot is so beautiful! we are part of a marvelous world.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

and a happy happy birthday to you!

This girl, my wonderful friend Stephanie Hladilek, turned 21 on Monday!
So what better way to celebrate than a sandwich from Goodie Gallery and a picnic on her front porch?! Oh, and some nutella cupcakes!

Stephanie is seriously a special lady. She is so joyful and one of the most genuine people ever. Happiness pours out of this girl like nothing I've ever seen. She is a pretty amazing friend. 

(dancing while Carter and I sang "It's your birthday")

Happy 21st Stephanie!!