Wednesday, March 9, 2011

and a lovely Tuesday it was...

So last night I finished that paper, watched a disc of the first season of Lost (oh my gosh, it sooo good, but I'll get to that!), went to bed, then awoke this morning to a wonderful e-mail from my professors assistant saying "class today is cancelled!"
Not only is a cancelled class the greatest thing in the world, but it was my ONLY class today and the one that the paper was due in! Huzzah!! So today was spent grocery shopping, cleaning the apartment, drawing, baking Nutella cupcakes, and watching Lost. It was quite wonderful, and I didn't have to step one foot on campus.

and now to talk about my new obsession, Lost.
Two years ago I got the flu and spent the three to four days that I was home sick either sleeping or watching the first three seasons of How I Met Your Mother and let me tell you, I was hooked. I was also really medicated and just really felt like I was best friends with all the characters. I'm not comparing HIMYM to Lost by any means, I'm just comparing my obsession with both shows. I love HIMYM, but Lost is just TOO GOOD! It's so suspenseful, not overly romantic, and I can't wait to get further into the series. I just love EVERY character, I don't dislike any of them, except for "the others." People just talk it up so much and I know its just going to get better, but I can't even fathom how much better! I know I sound like a Lost amateur and am probably offending all the people who read the Lostpedia and know the show like the back of their hands, but I am just so excited about this show! okay, I'm done.

I hope everyone else's day was as happy as mine!


  1. Ahahahaha you ARE obsessed! ...and I giggled when I saw that you created an acronym for How I Met Your Mother...It's like saying "Idol" instead of "American Idol"...or PTL for Pretty Little Liars (I know you'd like that since you are now obsessed with that too.) HIMYM. Silly. I am loving these happy thoughts of yours!

  2. HIMYM is soooo much easier than How I Met Your Mother and I do call it PLL........don't laugh
