Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just what I needed

In all honesty, I am so glad I am a 20 year old college student who would much rather spend her spring break with her family than on a crazy spring break beach trip with a ton of people. Don't get me wrong, the beach with friends does sound terrific, but I could not have asked for a better spring break than the one I just had. Wednesday through Friday I spent in Amelia Island, Florida with my grandparents. Everyday was spent catching up with them, eating yummy food, laying on the beach reading by myself, or watching movies. It was absolutely what I wanted more than anything. I really am a lucky grand daughter. 

and I got to snuggle with this cute little fluff ball a lot!

and some one, I wish I knew who, built this sculpture on the beach and it provided me with seriously beautiful shell wind chime melodies while I laid in the sun.

On Friday I spent the afternoon with my Aunt Mary in Darien, GA. We kayaked for a bit, ate a yummy butternut squash casserole, played with her goats, and visited for a while before I had to head back to Savannah for the weekend.

Aren't they funny?! I want one so bad!

and seriously, what would you do for a view like this in your backyard? Marry a really handy man, that's what you should do.

My time in Savannah was spent with the parentals and little bros, and I fit in a little beach time today too! Oh and here are some happy things from the remainder of my break:

the perfect combination of sunshine and breeze
being a tourist
free parking from a stranger
free bagels
free bike maintenance
free movie
just free things in general
making it an entire day with out caffeine...or spending money
tea tree oil shampoo
butternut squash
the stillness of water when paddling
the spookiness of a sunken boat
laughter coming from deep within the stomach
stain glass
dinner with just the parents and me
extremely long blog posts because I just have so much to say and am so happy to share it!

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