Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hold on a minute, yeah, I do love you

Three of my best friends and I are going to see the Avett Brothers tomorrow night in Savannah, GA and I honestly can NOT describe how excited I am..
This will be my third time seeing them, second time in Savannah, and second time in the Johnny Mercer Theater, but instead of the 17th row I'LL BE IN THE FRONT ROW! I saw them front row in Augusta, GA in September of 2009, but it's a completely different experience every time. They are SPECTACULAR live! If you have never heard them, go listen now (ask me if you want to know what songs you should go to first) and if you have heard them, but have never really gotten into them, you should try listening again. and if you really are just as obsessed as I am, then we have something in common!
I seriously just have to thank my friend Kate for giving me this ticket for free! She scored an internship with my aunt over the Christmas break at the Savannah Music Festival, who is hosting the Avetts, and as a thank you for all her hard work my aunt gave her two free front row tickets to the show! The only problem is, Georgia College has stepped in again and given her a work load that no student should ever have to endure the first week back from spring break, so she can't make it with me. She will definitely be getting a phone call during the show though. 
Okay I think this a long enough post to convey how much I love them. Since I'll be on an Avett's high for the next month there will probably be another post about them in the near future....like tomorrow.

Augusta 2009

and I apologize for this multitude of music posts, but ya know I love music and want every one else to love it too...so I don't really apologize...only if you are annoyed...but you shouldn't be....it's beautiful stuff. and who gets annoyed with beautiful things that can only make life better? okay done. 

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